
610105 TrussMates™ CA Point Truss Locating Screws

610105 TrussMates™ CA Point Truss Locating Screws

Designed for use in thin steel Truss manufacturing in steel frame housing in pre punched holes of 6.50mm diameter. The unique Trilobular shank ensures a low driving torque with high withdrawal strength in thin steel applications and are 5/16" diameter for high shear strength. They feature CA point for easy location even if the holes are mis-aligned, 5/16" diameter for high shear strength and a standard 5/16" head drive allowing for one tool to be used across a wide range of steel frame fixings.

The recommended hole diameters can vary dependent upon the total thickness of materials being fastened together.
For thinner materials a smaller hole size is recommended as this will give a higher % of thread engagement.
For thicker materials a larger hole size is recommended as this will give lower driving torque with a lower % of thread engagement.
For the majority of steel truss manufacturing with Steel thicknesses up to 1.00~1.50mm the recommended hole size for 5/16" TrussMates™ is 6.50mm

Several factors may require a variation from the recommended hole size if using TrussMates™ in other applications and these include:-
• higher steel thicknesses
• harder steels
• tolerances on hole diameters and irregular shaped holes can vary on different machines
• the choice of % of thread engagement (which is at the installers/manufacturers discretion)
In these cases it is recommended for a pre-test to be conducted to confirm the most suitable hole size and type for your specific application.
The pre-test should involve several hole sizes being tested using a capture method whereby holes that are too large can be identified by having too low a driving torque and holes that are too small will have too high a driving torque and may stall the screwdriver, snap the screw or cause operator injury.
For further details on the correct size hole to drill for your specific application please refer to IDEAL Fasteners technical data section or contact us.
• Truss manufacturing applications in steel frame housing
• Primarily designed for use in pre-punched holes in thin steel trusses in steel frame housing, their high mechanical properties, combined with high strip torque and vibration resistance makes
Size Coating Pack Type 520 Y Thread Length (TL) 530 Y Driver Tool Code
5/16"-18 x 17mm